I am based in Norfolk, UK
Minimum Package Coverage
For venues less than 100 miles from me I offer my Live Portraits package for 2hrs as a minimum booking. For venues under 150 miles away I offer my Half Day Package and 4hrs Live Portraits as minimum booking. Venues over 150 miles away require a full day (8hr+) package booking.
Travel Pricing
Travel to venues less than 50 miles from my location is included in my booking fee. For venues further than this I charge mileage at 45p per mile to cover the additonal travel.
Locations where I have had to either travel more than 75 miles for and/or finish after 9pm I will need to add accommodation costs at £100 per night. For venues 150+ miles from me I will arrive the day before.
Further Afield
For overseas enquires please get in touch for a quote.